Scansure - This service is no longer available
This service has been replaced with ScanProtect, please click here to read more about our new service.
Scansure protection has been specifically designed to reduce the risk of accidental component damage during installation. Our aim with Scansure to encourage people to build their own PC confidently.
Please DO NOT confuse this with the "Upsell Extended Warranties" offered by your typical high street retailers
About Scansure
Scansure is an insurance policy provided by Lloyds' of London. For an extremely small charge, if you damage or break goods during installation Scan will replace them.
The usual Manufacturer's Warranty only covers the replacement of faulty goods, not damaged goods. If you were to drop or break an item then only Scansure would provide you a replacement item.
Even our most experienced customers know how easy it is to bend connecting pins, snap internal cables and fixings or simply items falling off a work-surface.
Accidents do happen. Give yourself peace of mind.
The policy summary is available here.
Making a claim is simple, call our usual customer service number and we will do the rest.