Scan Code:LN119132
Manufacturer Code:2960754
Featuring S.M.A.R.T Technology Use your left hand to increase your combat speed and manage your spaceship or jet fighter. A complete ecosystem featuring the FCS flight stick, TWCS throttle, TFRP rudder pedals and MFD (Multi-Functional Display) cockpit panels. These elements are compatible with or without the T.A.R.G.E.T advanced programming software. Featuring S.M.A.R.T (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Tracks) technology: five (+ three) axes + fourteen buttons + one 8-way Point of View hat switch. *Patent pending.
Included features:
• 1 throttle + 2-axis mini-stick + 1 toggle rudder + 1 rotary antenna + connector for optional external 3-axis TFRP rudder.
• Two 4-way hat switches + 3 buttons + one 2-position slider + 1 push mini-stick + one 8-way Point of View hat switch.
• Adjust the S.M.A.R.T mechanism’s resistance to suit your taste.
• 2x M6 screw threads for attachment to cockpit + 4 rubber foot pads for perfect stability on a desk or cockpit.