Scan Code:LN119133
Manufacturer Code:4460211
GEAR UP AND TAKE FLIGHT Thrustmaster offers a complete aerial simulation pack to support players looking for immersion and realism during their flight sessions. Enjoy the simulation of the moment on Xbox Series X | S and PC with immediate recognition of the T.Flight Full Kit X set in Microsoft Flight Simulator and travel the world without constraints! This pack includes the T.Flight Hotas One, the popular plug and play versatile joystick for Xbox Series X | S and PC. By its ergonomic and realistic design, it is suitable for all styles of games and flight simulation (air combat, space adventure, civil flight, etc.). Also included in this pack is the TFRP rudder, equipped with a SMART (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Track) system for smooth control surfaces and an optimized flight experience.
All-in-one, compact solutionThe first plug-and-play joystick for Xbox One, T.Flight Hotas One is also compatible with the next-generation Xbox Series X|S consoles.
Compact and practicalT.Flight Hotas One is detachable and can be positioned in either of two different ways.
for all types of flightThe joystick's realistic, ergonomic design is well-suited to all types of flight. The wide hand-rest helps gamers keep their hand in a very stable and relaxed position, allowing the stick to react to even subtle movements.
flight simulation ecosystemThe TFRP allows for a greater level of immersion: control the rudder and brakes with your feet, just like in real aircraft.
Compact and practicalSpecific advanced features for an optimized flight experience. The very first rudder pedals to feature the S.M.A.R.T (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Track) slide rails system: a technological marvel with 4 slide rails crafted of industrial-grade aluminum for incredibly smooth sliding motion.
Realistic, ergonomic joystickThe life-size throttle included with the T.Flight Hotas One lets you easily control the acceleration of your aircraft (or other vehicles) in games.
The S.M.A.R.T advantageThe rudder system features four slide rails crafted of industrial-grade aluminum, for incredibly smooth sliding motion. The long range of travel on the rudder axis allows for an extremely high degree of precision.
Two differential brake pedalsThe two differential brake pedals are suitable for most users, at 10 inches/25 centimeters long (12/45 shoe size).