Machine Learning for Global Good

Published 15 JAN 2021


At Scan we have the pleasure of working with organisations all over the globe who are using AI, Deep Learning Machine Learning to benefit humanity. Some of the most recent of these organisations are EnvirometriX and OpenGeoHub who have teamed up with a variety of partners to create OpenLandMap. Read the below to find out more about the organisations and how they are using AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning to shape the world we live in.


EnvirometriX use machine learning to help businesses and organisations optimise their soil sampling and monitoring campaigns, produce better data and make better decisions.

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OpenGeoHub is a not-for-profit research foundation with the primary goal of publishing and sharing Open Geographical and Geoscientific Data and using and developing Open Source Software.

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OpenLandMap: using Machine Learning for Global good with EnvirometriX and OpenGeoHub

OpenGeoHub and EnvirometriX, partnered with GiLAB, and, to start a global predictive vegetation and soil mapping system. By using state-of-the-art machine-learning mapping applications, complete and consistent global data can now be used by researchers and businesses.

The aim of OpenLandMap is to not only just increase the usability of national and global data sets, but also at opening the floor for collaboration and data sharing.

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The Scan Partnership

As experts in designing and delivering custom bespoke Deep Learning & AI solutions, Scan and its AI team get to work with organisations that are making a real impact.

“Thanks to our SCAN 3XS servers with large amounts of RAM (>400GB) and fast and silent CPU cores with 4TB SSD storage systems, we have managed to process Terabytes of Earth Observation data for the whole of Africa in weeks.

We find the new-generation SCAN AI/ML-ready workstations especially suitable for start-ups and SME's that can not afford large dedicated spaces to run computing. We also find it great that their servers are quality-tested and optimised for Ubuntu OS. That made us determined to continue investing in our computing infrastructure and testing various GPU and CPU processing options, so that we can optimally utilise them in combination with cloud-based solutions such as OVH, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud. The real magic of Machine Learning happens if you know how to assemble your own hardware and remove any technical obstacles for boosting the accuracy of ML.”

- Tomislav Hengl, Co-founder of EnvirometriX

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