ISO Quality Certified
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is an independent, non- governmental, international organisation that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems. ISO certification ensures that a management system, manufacturing process, service, or documentation procedure has all the requirements for standardisation and quality assurance.

Scan Computers has implemented and maintains an environmental management policy, certified by QAS according to Standard ISO 14001:2015

Scan Computers has implemented and maintains a quality management policy, certified by QAS according to Standard ISO 9001:2015

Scan Computers has implemented and maintains an information security management policy, certified by QAS according to Standard ISO 27001:2013

Scan Computers has implemented and maintains a business continuity policy, certified by QAS according to Standard ISO 22301:2019
QAS International Ltd. is an established ISO certification company that has been operating within the UK and selected international markets for over 20 years.
Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

The Cyber Essentials Plus scheme is a UK government-backed framework supported by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). It sets out measures around five basic security controls that must be met in order to protect an organisation against 80% of common cyber-attacks; these include adequate firewalls, software updates, malware protection, user access control and secure configuration.
Certification is only awarded after a technical audit of the systems that consists of an external vulnerability assessment, an internal scan and an on-site assessment.
Investors in People Accredited

Scan Computers is proud to announce that it has been accredited as an Investor in People.
The award of the Investors in People standard represents what good people management looks like. Defined and set by business leaders, it’s a series of 39 must-have criteria that organisations must measure up against to find, develop
and realise the potential of its people.
Covering everything from business planning and leadership, to management effectiveness and performance measurement, the standard is the benchmark for best practice and recognises Scan’s commitment to developing its teammates.

Scan Business Accounts Team
Scan Computers has a dedicated managed accounts team for businesses to get the most from our experience. The team is composed of technically trained account managers, solution specialists, pre-sales experts, and post-sales support members - all are highly skilled and many are focussed on specific industry sectors to ensure we provide the right product range, tailored technical specification and relevant solutions to meet your specific needs.