Gaming Performance
While every component in a PC has an important role to play, the GPU or graphics card is by far the most critical. This is because the graphics card does all the heavy lifting when it comes to gaming, with more powerful models delivering smoother frame rates for a better gaming experience. More capable graphics cards will also enable you to increase the quality settings and up the resolution for greater fidelity. The graphics card is also the most expensive component, so it has the biggest effect on the cost of a gaming PC.
Alongside the GPU, the CPU or processor is also key, as all other tasks outside of graphics will be taken care of by the CPU. Higher clock speeds and more cores will result in a better overall experience and it is common for GPU and CPU to be matched. This doesn’t mean they have to be the same brand but it would be unwise to spec a high-end GPU with an entry-level CPU. Explore the four tabs below to understand more about GPU and CPU choice.