CS:GO : Players and Roles
When playing Counter-Strike competitively, in match-making or on external platforms, you will take up a role. When playing with randoms on average you will assume a certain role, it may be less defined than in a proper team but rest assured there is one. Generally when playing with randoms you will notice that most often there is a player who plays as an AWPer, an entry fragger or who lurks about. Of course sometimes in a game you might face a situation where teammates will be counter productive and most likely want to be an AWPer as well or lurk just so they would die and force the team in a disadvantage.
The roles may differ from person to person, team to team.
Entry Fragger
The entry fragger is arguably the most important role especially for the terrorists as this player will open up the scoreboard and round with an important first kill. An entry fraggers job is to go in first and get that crucial opening kill. A player that is classified as an entry fragger has very good crosshair placement, recoil control and generally is the most aggresive player on the team.
Refragger (also known as playmaker)
The refraggers job is to be the second person entering through a choke point and getting the return kill incase the entry fragger does not. A refragger can act as a temporary support and flash the entry fragger in. A refragger is generally a very good clutch player and somebody who can create something out of nothing.
Strategy 'Strat' Caller
The 'brain' and usually captain of the team. The strategy caller is the person who reads the game and adjusts the team and strategies used accordingly. A strat caller is a player who has had time with the game and who understands timings, positioning and rotations incredibly well. He (she) can make calls on the fly and change a round's outcome in a few seconds. The strat caller usually plays a more supportive role as well e.g entry flashing, covering the team's back and dealing crucial information to the team.

A lurkers job is to gather information about enemy movement via sound and relay it to his team. The team's lurker plays as a lone wolf and detaches him(her)self from the group. Lurkers usually sit in corners you do not expect them to be in or sneak up behind you from the angle you least expect. A good lurker can and in most cases will seal rounds for the team as they can pick up important frags as well as demorolise players and subsequently the team.
The job of an awper is to win ranged battles. An awper should have amazing reflex and can hit opponents through the tightest of angles. Since the recent patch the awp has been made a more stationary weapon limiting pushing capabilities it had prior to the patch. The awper can inflict collosal damage onto the opposing team and this can be especially crucial if the awper manages to get an early pick for instance on De_Dust 2 through the mid doors.

Roles are vital in a team but they are meaningless if the team cannot function as a unit. A team is supposed to function like a well oiled machine and players that are toxic or cannot follow simple orders will jam the machine and prevent it from producing the best result. The communcation has to be clear and simple yet very informative. The lurker supports the strat caller with info, the strat caller supports the refragger and entry fragger with directions, the awper supports everybody with ranged picks and info...etc.

All-in-all a team is nothing without communication and understanding. It is vital to understand your role as well as the game itself. If you do not understand the game, it can and most probably will lead to a bad personal performance especially as a lurker and can impact the team negatively. Know your role, know the game and communicate. Choose the right PC for your favourite games from Scan.
Anthony "Alphad115" Fedorov