League of Legends – Lux

League of Legends – Lux

Lux is one of those League of Legends champions you can never go wrong with. In most of the situations, she’s a safe pick and also a great champion to learn in order to climb up the ranked ladder. Lux’s shiny abilities perfectly describe her – she is a mid-game champion you always get a chance to shine with.

League of Legends playing with LUX
Image courtesy of Riot Games

First of all, let’s take a look at Lux’s spells. Her passive, called Illumination, marks affected enemies with light energy for 6 seconds, and is applied by all her damaging abilities. If her auto attack or her ultimate spell consumes that mark, they deal additional AP damage. At first, that might seem like a weak passive, but it’s actually really strong. It seems most useful in the laning phase of the game, where you will be trading with your opponent. I understand that hitting a Q is not so easy with all those minions, but Lux’s E is hard to miss. Use your E spell on an enemy champion and auto attack it right after – you will deal lots of damage in a short time and you will be able to do it quite frequently. This doesn’t only work for champions, but with minions too. This is why Lux is one of those mages you won’t have such a hard time last hitting with.

Light Binding, Lux’s Q, can be a game-changing spell and you must practice it as much as possible. It’s not an easy skillshot, but once you’ve hit it, you’ll be able to stop or change the outcome of both ganks and teamfights. You can use these snares for both aggressiveness and passiveness. If you hit an enemy, you can easily snipe and burst it down pretty quickly. Even if you don’t have enough damage to insta-kill the enemy at the moment, there is a huge chance you will burn its cooldowns. However, you don’t have to go for every snare – missing a snare can bring you in a very unpleasant situation. The other way to use Lux’s Q is to protect both yourself and your team mates from a high damage or a crowd control enemy target.

League of Legends playing with LUX
Credit: Lolskinshop

Prismatic Barrier, or W, has been changed quite a lot in the last few months, but is still a great skill. Upon activation, Prismatic Barrier immediately shields Lux and can be used on allied champions. Don’t forget that hitting an allied champion a second time will stack this shield. This is a spell you should usually max last, but it can be really impactful in laning phase trades and teamfights. This is why you should always try to hit as many allied champions as possible.

My personal favorite spell, Lucent Singularity, Lux's E, deals a fair amount of magic damage once it detonates and it also slows nearby enemies. The reason I love this skill is the fact that it can be used for everything – zoning, poking and kiting. You can easily throw the Singularity right behind you to block your enemies way or throw as many Es as you can before a teamfight to poke your opponents down. If you feel like you should kite, this spell is great at buying the time you need until your Q is back up or until the rest of your team arrives. As I’ve mentioned before, this skill is your main damage and farm tool in the laning phase of the game. Last but not the least is Lux’s ultimate – Final Spark. This is the ultimate we all know a lot about – it has an insane range, high damage and low cooldown. Use this skill to poke or burst down your high priority targets as many times as you can since you will have it pretty often.

League of Legends playing with LUX
Credit: LucpinIcey

When it comes to item builds, Lux is pretty basic. As with almost every mage with mana, you should start with Doran’s Ring for mana regen and a Health Potion. At the first back, I would recommend buying Lost Chapter which you will later use to build Morellonomicon as one of Lux’s core items. Aside from Morellonomicon, you should almost always go for Luden’s Echo and Rabadon’s Deathcap (Luden’s first!). For the last items, I’d always recommend Void Staff in combination with either Zhonya’s Hourglass or Liandry’s Torment, depending on the situation.

For summoner spells, Flash and Prismatic Barrier are always the safe picks, while the best runes for Lux should be Marks of Magic Penetration, Seals of Ability Power, Glyphs of Ability Power and Quintessences of Ability Power. Masteries? Thunderlord’s, Thunderlord’s, Thunderlord’s (12/18/0)!


Marta Juras