How do I cancel my order?

50 Series Cancellation

Please note: Due to our 1 per customer policy on the 50 series a cancellation, if you cancel your order online and would like to purchase another model, then please give 10-15 minutes for the cancellation to fully process before attempting to repurchase as you may still be prevented from doing so. If you encounter any issues or would prefer to swap to an alternative model without cancelling then our Customer services team to explore alternative cards for pre-order to amend to.

Prior to any order being picked it can be cancelled. Please check your emails to see if your order has already reached stage 3 picked.

You can cancel online using the my account feature of our website. This is the quickest way to cancel your order.

Order History

If you have any problems using the online cancellation feature, please fill out the following form to request a cancellation a member of our customer services team will assist you. Please be aware that by the time our customer services team action your query it may not be possible to cancel your order and you may need to return the items before we can refund you. Using your online account is the quickest way to cancel.

To ensure we can process your request efficiently, please ensure the information you provide matches the same information provided at time of order.

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