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TekSpek 's
Date issued:
RAID 5: Block interleaved Distributed Parity
RAID 5 is perhaps the most popular form of RAID on the
market (more so for businesses than end users). It utilizes a striped
system with the dedicated parity drive replaced by a distributed
parity algorithm, which allows parity data to be spread across the
drives in the array. This has the effect of removing the bottleneck
effect of a single parity drive, allowing increases in system performance,
although the performance cost due to the complexity of the parity
operations is still present. Fault tolerance is still maintained
by keeping parity data from a given block of data on a wholly different
drive to that on which the original data is stored.
Due to the additional complexity of RAID 5 a fairly high end system
and RAID controller are required. A minimum of 3 drives are required,
preferably identical. Without a dedicated controller card and a
well specified system RAID 5 can severely slow down a system due
to the amount of calculations required for distributed parity.