Scan's TekSpek
Our Aim
To provide you with an overview on New And existing technologies, hopefully helping you understand the changes in the technology. Together with the overviews we hope to bring topical issues to light from a series of independent reviewers saving you the time And hassle of fact finding over the web.
We will over time provide you with quality content which you can browse and subscribe to at your leisure.
TekSpek 's

Date Issued: 28/04/2016
The need for enhanced security goes hand in hand with business growth. Small businesses, often characterised by one-man bands, are, in technology terms, usually run from nothing more than a basic laptop. Increasing the head count to 20 in an office environment brings with it challenges with respect to data and asset security.

Date Issued: 28/04/2016
Home security is also being taken to a new level with the emergence of cheap, ubiquitous computing. Having multiple cameras recording to a centralised computer was the preserve of the rich just 10 years ago, but the rise of IoT has cascaded this technology down to the grasp of the everyman. It's now possible to buy a high-definition camera and recording equipment for a tiny fraction of the price paid at the turn of the millennium.