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TekSpek Hard Drives


Date issued:
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RAID 0+1: Mirrored Stripes and RAID 1+0: Striped Mirrors
These derivatives combine the performance gains from a striped array with the redundancy of a mirrored array without the need for parity calculations; however the overheads involved for redundancy are still high.

RAID 0+1 has a mirrored configuration of a striped array; RAID 1+0 is a stripe across a mirrored array. Both require a minimum of four drives although falling prices of large IDE drives makes this less of an obstacle in the market of today as compared with a couple of years ago.

RAID 1+0 has greater fault tolerance and a better rebuild time post failure than RAID 0+1, although both types suffer from the loss of half of the available capacity for redundancy. Most often used where speed and reliability are paramount and the loss of efficiency in storage space due to mirroring are worth the gains in reliability and speed.

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