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TekSpek 's
Date issued:
But if you've got the kit and are raring to communicate without the constraint of wires, what else do you need? First thing is a “hotspot”. At home that would usually be provided by a wireless-enabled modem/router but more and more public places are being fitted out for WiFi.
Libraries, cafes and airports were among the first places to offer wireless access, and the list is every growing. Indeed there are several sites dedicated to carrying lists of publicly-accessible hotspots where you can read your emails and, more importantly check HEXUS, wirelessly and for free. Sites such as http://www.wififreespot.com/ in the US offer lists of zones searchable by city whilst http://www.wifinder.com/ is a searchable database serving most of the world although the majority of locations are US or Europe based. http://www.wi-fizone.org/zoneFinder.asp is an excellent resource for finding a free zone for connection, allowing searches by city plus detailing the SSID of the network in place along with any special instructions to get connected. Excel and word files can also be downloaded detailing a number of zones in a specified city, ideal if you are on a business trip nipping out for lunch or a travelling rep etc.